
Seth Ravin
Seth Ravin
Chairman, Vorsitzender des Board of Directors

Seth Ravin ist der Begründer von Rimini Street und ist seit September 2005 Chief Executive Officer sowie Vorsitzender des Board of Directors (Chairman of the Board). Von September 2005 bis 2011 war er außerdem Präsident von Rimini Street. Dem Board of Directors gehört Seth Ravin seit September 2005 an. Vor seiner Zeit bei Rimini Street war er von Mai 2002 bis April 2005 in verschiedenen geschäftsführenden Funktionen bei TomorrowNow, Inc. (übernommen durch SAP) tätig, darunter zuletzt als Präsident und Mitglied des Board of Directors. Von April 2000 bis März 2001 leitete Ravin als Vice President of Inside Sales den internen Vertrieb bei Saba Software, Inc., einem Anbieter von e-Learning- und Personalmanagement-Software. Von April 1996 bis April 2000 hatte Seth Ravin verschiedene Management-Funktionen bei PeopleSoft, Inc. (übernommen durch Oracle) inne; zuletzt leitete er als Vice President Customer Sales den Kundenvertrieb (Customer Sales). Er hat einen Bachelor of Science in Business Administration von der University of Southern California.

Michael L. Perica
Michael L. Perica
EVP und Chief Financial Officer

Michael Perica bringt als langjährige Führungskraft in börsennotierten Unternehmen 25 Jahre Erfahrung in der Leitung von Finanzabteilungen und auf den Kapitalmärkten mit.

Perica verantwortet die Finanzstrategie und ‑umsetzung für Rimini Street und deren weltweite Tochtergesellschaften und ist für alle Finanzoperationen des Unternehmens zuständig, einschließlich globaler Finanzplanung und -analyse, Buchhaltung, Ertragsmanagement, globaler Finanzverwaltung und Steuern, SEC-Berichterstattung, Finanzsystemen und ‑prozessen, Audit, Kapitalstruktur, Kapitalmarktaktivitäten, M&A und Investor Relations.

Zuletzt war er als Vice President of Finance und CFO des Geschäftsbereichs Energy Systems Global (mit einem Umsatz von 1,4 Milliarden US-Dollar) bei Enersys (NYSE: ENS) tätig. Bei diesem weltweit führenden Unternehmen für Energiespeicherlösungen leitete er die Bereiche Finanzen, Steuern, Recht und Personalwesen. Perica kam im Zuge einer 750 Millionen Dollar teuren Übernahme zu Enersys, wo er als CFO von Alpha Technologies, einem führenden Anbieter von Energiesystemen, Dienstleistungen und Software für die Bereiche Telekommunikation, erneuerbare Energien und Industrie, den Verkaufsprozess leitete.

Vor dem Verkauf von Alpha Technologies an Enersys entwickelte und realisierte er als CFO von Alpha Technologies einen strategischen Finanzplan, der durch Angebotserweiterungen und Akquisitionen für einen Zeitraum von fünf Jahren zu einem zweistelligen jährlichen Umsatz- und EBITDA-Wachstum führte.

Vor seiner Zeit bei Alpha Technologies war Perica als CFO der Channell Commercial Corporation tätig, einem führenden Anbieter von Outdoor-Gehäusen und Kabelmanagementlösungen.

Zuvor hatte er zwölf Jahre bei verschiedenen Investmentbanken an der Wall Street gearbeitet und seine Kapitalmarktkarriere als Senior Vice President und Head of Research bei Brean Capital (ehemals Brean Murray, Carret & Co.) abgeschlossen.

Zu Beginn seiner Kapitalmarktkarriere leitete er die Technologie-, Medien- und Telekommunikationssparte bei Kaufman Bros. sowie die Technologiesparte bei Gruntal & Co. Zudem war er ein von Zacks und Reuters hoch eingestufter Analyst für Kommunikationstechnik bei Olde Financial Corp., wo er Kundenvorstände bei Börsengängen, Zweitplatzierungen und anderen Kapitalbeschaffungsstrategien und ‑plänen beriet.

Perica hat einen Bachelor of Science in Betriebswirtschaft mit Schwerpunkt Rechnungswesen von der Central Michigan University und einen Master of Business Administration (MBA) von der Marshall School of Business an der University of Southern California.

David Rowe
David Rowe
EVP, Global Transformation

Dave Rowe ist als Senior Vice President für alle globalen Marketing- und Partnerschaftsprogramme von Rimini Street verantwortlich. In dieser Funktion leitet David Rowe die Produkt- und Markteinführungsstrategien für das Produktportfolio von Rimini Street ebenso wie alle Aspekte der Durchführung, wozu Erzeugung von Leads und Nachfrage sowie die weltweiten Marketingkommunikationen gehören.
Mit über 20 Jahren erfolgreicher Erfahrung in der Formulierung, dem Aufbau und Marketing von Technologielösungen für große internationale Softwarefirmen und Technologie-Jungunternehmen mit hohem Wachstumspotenzial ist Dave Rowe ein bewährter Veteran der Enterprise-Software-Industrie. Er ist ein gefragter Sprecher auf Technologie- und Marketing-Konferenzen, bei denen über die aktuellen Trends beim Enterprise-Software- und Technologie-Marketing diskutiert wird.
Bevor er zu Rimini Street kam, war Dave Rowe Vice President für Marketing und Produktmanagement bei Perfect Commerce, dem führenden Anbieter von On-Demand-Lösungen für Lieferantenmanagement. Während seiner Tätigkeit bei Perfect Commerce hat er für einen beträchtlichen Anstieg der Pipeline für mögliche Kundenkontakte und Neukunden gesorgt, Produktverpackungs- und Preisgestaltungsmodelle verbessert, Perfect als die glaubwürdigste Lösung in der Branche etabliert und eine Produktplanungsmethode implementiert, die die Vision des Unternehmens mit der Produktstrategie und den Entwickungsprozessen verband.
Zuvor hatte Dave Rowe bereits andere leitende Managementpositionen in der Enterprise-Software-Branche bekleidet, darunter eine Reihe von leitenden Managementfunktionen bei PeopleSoft. Zuletzt war Rowe als Director of Strategic Marketing für die Strategie- und Geschäftsentwicklung der eBusiness Solutions Division von PeopleSoft verantwortlich. Vor seiner Stellung in der eBusiness Solutions Division war er Director of Industry Product Marketing and Strategy sowie Leiter des Bereichs Supply Chain Product Marketing and Strategy.
Am Anfang seiner beruflichen Laufbahn war Dave Rowe einige Jahre bei Andersen Consulting (jetzt Accenture) tätig, wo er zum Schluss als Senior Manager Projekte zur Entwicklung von kundenspezifischen Systemen, Implementierung von Packaged-Systems und zum Re-Engineering von Geschäftsprozessen leitete.
2011 benannte das CMO Institute Dave Rowe als einer der Top Chief Marketing Officers des Jahres 2010. Dave Rowe hat einen Bachelor of Science in Ingenieurwissenschaften vom Harvey Mudd College.

Nancy Lyskawa
Nancy Lyskawa
EVP, Global Client Onboarding

Nancy Lyskawa ist mit mehr als 20 Jahren Erfahrung in den Bereichen Kundendienststrategie, Marketing und Globales Kundenmanagement eine Branchenveteranin.
Sie wechselte von Oracle Corporation, wo sie zuletzt als Vice President für Support Services Marketing tätig war, zu Rimini Street. Bei Oracle war sie in dieser Rolle für die Marketingstrategie und -ausführung für die Supportdienste von Oracle weltweit verantwortlich.
Zuvor war Nancy Lyskawa mit der Leitung des weltweiten Dienstleistungsmarketings bei PeopleSoft betraut, unterstützte einen Geschäftszweig im Wert von 1,3 Mrd. US-Dollar und war für Strategieentwicklung und -ausführung für die Kundenmanagement-Programme von PeopleSoft verantwortlich. Am Anfang ihrer beruflichen Laufbahn hatte sie mehrere technische und Teamleitungs-Positionen im Enterprise-Software-Bereich bei EDS inne.
Nancy Lyskawa ist zugelassene Bilanzbuchhalterin (Certified Management Accountant, CMA). Sie führt einen Bachelor of Business Administration-Titel in Buchhaltung und Finanzen von der University of North Dakota sowie einen Master-Titel von der Cox School of Business an der Southern Methodist University.

Kevin Maddock
Kevin Maddock
SVP, Global Sales

Herr Maddock ist ein Veteran der Branche Support-Dienste und -Technologie mit 22 Jahren Erfahrung.
Bevor er zu Rimini Street kam, war Kevin Maddock Executive Vice President of Worldwide Inside Sales and Operations bei ServiceSource, dem branchenführenden Unternehmen im Bereich Verlängerung von ausgelagerter Wartung und Verkauf für Technologiefirmen. Er war als Mitglied der Unternehmensführung tätig und hatte in dieser Funktion globale Führungs- und P&L-Verantwortung für den Aufbau und Betrieb einer 500 Mitarbeiter zählenden Verkaufsorganisation, die Dienstleistungsumsätze in Höhe von mehr als 1 Milliarde Dollar und eine fünffache Steigerung des Ertragswachstums verzeichnete.
Vor seiner Tätigkeit bei Service Source war Kevin Maddock Vice President of Worldwide Support Service Sales bei PeopleSoft, Inc. (die von Oracle Corporation übernommen wurde) mit Verantwortung für die Entwicklung, strategische Planung und tägliche Leitung einer globalen Verkaufsorganisation. Während seiner Tätigkeit bei PeopleSoft beaufsichtigte er einen weltweiten Anstieg der jährlichen Einnahmen für Support-Dienste für PeopleSoft- und JD Edwards-Produktevon 250 Mio. Dollar auf über 1,2 Milliarden Dollar. Zu den Aufgaben von Herrn Maddock gehörten weltweite Systeme und Prozesse für das Management von Support-Verlängerung und Beteiligung an der Festlegung von Grundsätzen für weltweite Preisgestaltungsmodelle und Versionssupport.
Am Anfang seiner beruflichen Laufbahn hatte Herr Maddock eine Managementrolle bei KPMG Consulting im Unternehmensbereich Financial Services Strategy and Operations inne. Vor seiner Tätigkeit bei KPMG leitete Herr Maddock große Softwareentwicklungs- und Implementierungsprojekte bei Andersen Consulting (jetzt Accenture).
Kevin Maddock hat einen Bachelor of Business Administration in Finanzwesen mit Auszeichnung von der University of Notre Dame und einen MBA von der Anderson School of Management an der UCLA.

Craig Mackereth
Craig Mackereth
GVP, Global Service Delivery, Support

Der Vorstand

Seth Ravin
Seth Ravin
Chairman, Vorsitzender des Board of Directors

Seth Ravin ist der Begründer von Rimini Street und ist seit September 2005 Chief Executive Officer sowie Vorsitzender des Board of Directors (Chairman of the Board). Von September 2005 bis 2011 war er außerdem Präsident von Rimini Street. Dem Board of Directors gehört Seth Ravin seit September 2005 an. Vor seiner Zeit bei Rimini Street war er von Mai 2002 bis April 2005 in verschiedenen geschäftsführenden Funktionen bei TomorrowNow, Inc. (übernommen durch SAP) tätig, darunter zuletzt als Präsident und Mitglied des Board of Directors. Von April 2000 bis März 2001 leitete Ravin als Vice President of Inside Sales den internen Vertrieb bei Saba Software, Inc., einem Anbieter von e-Learning- und Personalmanagement-Software. Von April 1996 bis April 2000 hatte Seth Ravin verschiedene Management-Funktionen bei PeopleSoft, Inc. (übernommen durch Oracle) inne; zuletzt leitete er als Vice President Customer Sales den Kundenvertrieb (Customer Sales). Er hat einen Bachelor of Science in Business Administration von der University of Southern California.

Jack L. Acosta
Jack L. Acosta
Direktor, selbständig
Stanley Mbugua
Stanley Mbugua
VP, Corporate Controller
Robin Murray
Robin Murray
Direktor, selbständig
Jay Snyder
Jay Snyder
Direktor, selbständig

Lokales Management

Emmanuelle Hose
Emmanuelle Hose


Yusuf Abdul-Rehman
Yusuf Abdul-Rehman
GVP, Professional Services

Mr. Abdul-Rehman serves as GVP, Professional Services. In this role, he is responsible for professional services execution and delivery across the globe.

Mr. Abdul-Rehman is a skilled executive leader with more than 30 years of experience in leading global professional services and scaling up business rapidly and expertise in financial technology.

Prior to joining Rimini Street, Mr. Abdul-Rehman served as managing director, professional services at Charles River Development (a State Street Company), where he worked with some of the largest banks and financial institutions in North America to deliver large-scale programs and projects.

Previously, Mr. Abdul-Rehman was regional head (Americas), professional services at Finastra. Prior to this role, he was senior director, professional services (Americas and APAC) at Calypso Technology.

Mr. Abdul-Rehman holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics from Aligarh Muslim University, India and Master of Business Administration degrees from Aligarh Muslim University, India and Saint Ambrose University, Iowa, respectively.

Tiago Achcar
Tiago Achcar
VP & Assistant General Counsel, Americas

Mr. Achcar serves as VP & Assistant General Counsel, Americas. In this role, he is responsible for client, partner, and vendor contracting and other legal matters; projects and initiatives for the Americas; and leadership of a team located across the region.

Mr. Achcar is an experienced executive leader with more than 20 years of legal, business, and people management experience. He is fluent in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, with some capability in French and German.

Immediately prior to his current role, Mr. Achcar served as VP and assistant general counsel for Rimini Street, Latin America.

Previously, Mr. Achcar was the Latin America legal executive director for Merck Animal Health, where he was responsible for the legal department in the region. There, he led a business team in Latin America, managing strategic planning, commercial operations, multichannel marketing, learning and development, and communications initiatives for the animal health division.

Earlier in his career, Mr. Achcar was the Brazil legal director for Syngenta and worked as in-house counsel for Holcim and Bayer in Brazil.

Mr. Achcar earned his law degree from São Paulo Catholic University and attended the LL.M. program at Insper in Brazil, with an extension at the University of California, Davis where he studied U.S. law.

Mina Almassi
Mina Almassi
VP & Managing Counsel, Internationales Arbeitsrecht
Nick Bailey
Nick Bailey
VP, Sales ANZ

Mr. Bailey serves as VP, Sales, Australia and New Zealand. In this role, he is responsible for driving growth across the region by leading the sales and marketing organisations.

Mr. Bailey is a skilled executive leader with over 20 years of experience in SaaS software sales, professional services, and application managed services, and expertise in digital transformation and BPO solutions.

Prior to joining Rimini Street, Mr. Bailey was Senior Vice President, Asia Pacific & Japan at WorkForce Software where he led the direct sales and channel partner sales teams as well as the solution consulting and marketing functions. He delivered significant growth in both the Enterprise and SME market segments across ANZ, Southeast Asia, and Japan.

Previously, Mr. Bailey was Sales Director, ANZ for HCM Applications at Oracle. Prior to this role, he was Head of Client Development at LiveHire and successfully listed the business on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX:LVH).

Mr. Bailey holds a Bachelor of Science degree in geology and biology, with honors, from the University of Southampton.

Jim Benge
Jim Benge
Vice President PeopleSoft Entwicklung
Matthew Bingham
Matthew Bingham
VP, Global Recurring Revenue Sales

Mr. Bingham serves as VP, Global Recurring Revenue Sales. In this role, he is responsible for worldwide recurring revenue sales.

Mr. Bingham is a skilled executive leader with 26 years of experience in software support and technology.

Prior to joining Rimini Street, Mr. Bingham was director – NA client relationships at Freeboarders Inc., where he managed the North America client base.

Previously, Mr. Bingham was a principal account manager at PeopleSoft/Oracle Corp. Prior to this role, he was senior renewal sales manager at PeopleSoft.

Mr. Bingham holds a Bachelor of Science degree in political science/public administration from California State University, Chico.

Kristen Cardinalli
Kristen Cardinalli
VP Operations & Chief of Staff, Office of the Chief Client Officer (CCO)

Ms. Cardinalli serves as VP Operations & Chief of Staff, Office of the Chief Client Officer (CCO). In this role, she is responsible for supporting global onboarding operations, pre-sales engagements, and Rimini Labs, as well as strategic projects to advance the efficiency of company operations.

Ms. Cardinalli is a skilled executive leader with more than 20 years of experience in the recurring revenue space and expertise in driving accountability and accelerating team contributions to revenue. She brings endless passion, creative problem-solving, and an addiction to data to helping companies enter new markets and achieve revenue goals.

Prior to joining Rimini Street, Ms. Cardinalli served as chief marketing officer at DoiT International, a leading Google Cloud and AWS partner.

Previously, Ms. Cardinalli drove go-to-market strategies for large and medium-size companies as well as hypergrowth startups. She has also held senior marketing roles with some of the industry’s most influential companies including Sun Microsystems, Oracle, Symantec-Veritas, and Marketo (now an Adobe company).

Ms. Cardinalli holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics from the University of California San Diego and a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Denver Daniels College of Business. She has been recognized in the World’s 50 Most Influential Marketeers in the Data Economy, named to CRN’s Women of the Channel list, and featured in Forbes.

Bill Carslay
Bill Carslay
GVP, General Manager, Professional Services
Phil Cullen
Phil Cullen
SVP, Global Operations
Vicky D’Amelio
Vicky D’Amelio
Group VP, Business Solutions – Product Delivery

Ms. D’Amelio serves as Group VP, Business Solutions – Product Delivery. In this role, she is responsible for ensuring that our clients receive timely tax and regulatory updates for all relevant product lines.

Ms. D’Amelio is a skilled executive leader with 25 of years of experience in ERP software development, software support and consulting.

Immediately prior to her current role, Ms. D’Amelio served as VP, Business Solutions – Product Development, EMEA.

Previously, Ms. D’Amelio held several support, development, and management positions at PeopleSoft, Oracle and SAP.

Brenda S. Davenport
Brenda S. Davenport
Vice President, Global Quality Assurance
Michelle Davenport
Michelle Davenport
VP, Global PJS Support

Ms. Davenport serves as VP, Global PJS Support. In this role, she leads a team of functional and technical application experts and infrastructure architects who work to provide exceptional 24/7/365 support to our clients. Her PJS team serves our PeopleSoft, JD Edwards, and Siebel clients as well as Oracle ATG Web Commerce and Endeca clients.

Ms. Davenport is a skilled executive leader with more than 25 years of experience in the software support industry and experience in various roles over the course of her career. She believes strongly in the critical importance of the maintenance phase of the software lifecycle. By leveraging lean Six Sigma training and coaching the high-performance PJS team, she has helped maximize business outcomes for our global clients.

Prior to joining Rimini Street in 2012, Ms. Davenport worked in global support at PeopleSoft and Oracle. She focused her early career on PeopleSoft but has managed support across multiple applications for several years.

Michael Davichick
Michael Davichick
VP, Executive Client Relations
Gabe Dimeglio
Gabe Dimeglio
VP, Global Security Services
James Duggan
James Duggan
VP, Client Engagement, Global Service Delivery
Raju Gadiraju
Raju Gadiraju
Managing Director, Indien
Barry Ghotra
Barry Ghotra
VP, Security Innovation, R&D

Mr. Ghotra serves as VP, Security Innovation, R&D. In this role, he is responsible for the research and development of security products in support strategic business growth.

Mr. Ghotra is a skilled executive leader with 30 years of experience in developing and delivering innovative solutions to complex business and technical challenges.

Prior to joining Rimini Street, Mr. Ghotra was a director at LifeLock Inc., where he was a trusted CIO advisor and a leader of service delivery. He also led the DevOps team in architecting, delivering, managing, and supporting solutions targeted at the growth and sustainability of the business.

Previously, Mr. Ghotra led teams of middleware and database architects at companies including Ericsson, Michael’s, NEC America, and Emulex.

Mr. Ghotra holds a Bachelor of Science degree in physics and applied mathematics from Punjabi University India, CISSP and CCSP certifications in cyber security, and a PMP certification in project management.

Nobutake Gohdo
Nobutake Gohdo
VP, Client Engagement and Service Delivery, Japan
Alex Goldvug
Alex Goldvug
VP, Global Operations
George Goosen
George Goosen
VP Technology, Global Client Onboarding

George Goosen serves as the Group Vice President of Technology and Global Client Onboarding at Rimini Street Inc. In this role, he oversees global archiving, quality assurance, pre-sales engagement, and client onboarding. As an Oracle subject matter expert, Mr. Goosen brings over 20 years of experience in consulting, delivery, and development across various industry verticals—industries that include defense, aerospace, financial services, education, oil and gas, government, health, insurance, and telecommunications. His expertise extends to technical implementation and support of Oracle applications and technologies.

Before joining Rimini Street, Mr. Goosen held the position of National Presales Lead at CSG Australia, an ASX-listed top-tier implementation partner. Under his leadership, the presales team covered subject matter expertise for Oracle Applications, Database, Integration, and Identity. During his tenure, he successfully led teams in implementing Oracle products at organizations such as Santos, BAE Systems, Ausenco, Ambulance Victoria, and Catholic Education.

Previously, Mr. Goosen worked as a consultant, specialized in implementing  various Oracle products, including Oracle Applications, Oracle SOA Suite, and Oracle Identity. His client portfolio included KPMG, Investec, Reserve Bank of South Africa, Wesbank, Telesure, and Vodacom.

He has a formal education in Computer Science from Cambridge University, and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Data Science­—with a specialization in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence—through James Cook University Australia.

Glenn Groshans
Glenn Groshans
GVP, Chief of Staff, Office of the CEO
Guy Guiffre
Guy Guiffre
VP, Sales - North America - West

Mr. Guiffre serves as VP, Sales – North America – West. In this role, he is responsible for ensuring customer success and leading a high-performance team of inside and outside sales representatives.

Mr. Guiffre is a skilled executive leader with 35 years of experience in the high-tech industry and expertise in working with Fortune 500 companies in most major industries.

Prior to joining Rimini Street, Mr. Guiffre was a regional vice president at Oracle, where his team covered major accounts in the western United States. He led his team to 300% year-over-year growth by focusing on delivering customer value.

Earlier in his career, Mr. Guiffre taught a course in nuclear power for the U.S. Navy at Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory in Saratoga County, New York.

Mr. Guiffre graduated at the top of his class from the Nuclear Power School operated by the U.S. Navy.

Jason Hardiman
Jason Hardiman
GVP und Deputy General Counsel, IP
Carrie Heath
Carrie Heath
VP Marketing, EMEA

Carrie Heath serves as VP Marketing, EMEA. In this role she is responsible for leading the EMEA field marketing team, designing and delivering the marketing strategy and plan to support market expansion, and establishing Rimini Street as the leader in extraordinary enterprise software support, products, and services across the EMEA region.

Ms. Heath is a skilled executive leader with over 15 years of experience in global data and technology services marketing with expertise in go-to-market strategy and growth marketing, specifically in new and emerging markets.

Prior to joining Rimini Street, Ms. Heath was marketing director, Europe and China at LexisNexis Risk Solutions where she led all international field marketing teams. Previously, she was head of marketing, Europe at LexisNexis Risk Solutions.

Prior to these roles, Ms. Heath was marketing manager at CAP HPI.

Ms. Heath holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in marketing from the University of the West of England.

Eric Helmer
Eric Helmer
GVP & GM, Strategic Services
Paul Henville
Paul Henville
GVP, Global Product Delivery
James Hillier
James Hillier
VP, Security Intelligence and Center of Excellence

Mr. Hillier serves as VP, Security Intelligence and Center of Excellence. In this role, he is responsible for managing the Rimini Protect™ team ISO9001 process as well as internal Rimini Protect strategic initiatives. He is also responsible for threat intelligence, which includes the SVAR program coupled with security support services, assessment services, and Rimini Protect sales enablement support.

Mr. Hillier is a skilled executive leader with more than 30 years of experience in information technology and information technology security.

Immediately prior to his current role, Mr. Hillier served as the Security Programs and Operations Director, Office of the CTO.

Prior to joining Rimini Street, Mr. Hillier was a corporate cybersecurity consultant at Truist Bank — an organization formed by the merger of BB&T and SunTrust Bank — where he analyzed the bank’s cyber capabilities and its ability to mitigate risk to bank assets and formulated new security standards.

Previously, Mr. Hillier was associate CIO/CISO at Central Piedmont Community College.

Mr. Hillier holds a Master of Science degree in information systems with a concentration in security from Bellevue University, a Bachelor of Science degree in electronics from Southern Illinois University, and an Associate of Science degree in profession aeronautics from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

Emmanuelle Hose
Emmanuelle Hose
Rodney Kenyon
Rodney Kenyon
VP, Global Service Delivery – PeopleSoft, JDE, Siebel & Salesforce
Hyungwook „Kevin“ Kim
Hyungwook „Kevin“ Kim
GVP & Regional GM, Korea
Tony Kirk
Tony Kirk
VP, Sales, US – Region Ost
Shachar Koren
Shachar Koren
VP, Israel Support

Mr. Koren serves as VP, Israel Support. In this role, he is responsible for managing Rimini Street services in Israel.

Mr. Koren is a skilled executive leader with 30 years of experience in Oracle technologies.

Prior to joining Rimini Street in 2015, Mr. Koren was manager of the Oracle division at Yaelsoft. During his tenure, the division won and executed on many large Oracle implementation projects. Previously, Mr. Koren managed the technical teams at Yaelsoft and Malam Group Limited.

Mr. Koren holds a Bachelor of Science degree in computers and economics, a Bachelor of Science degree in biology, and a Master of Science degree in ecology from Bar Ilan University.

Steven Salaets
Steven Salaets
VP, Global Service Delivery, Technology

Steven Salaets leitet sowohl das Rimini Street Human Resources Department als auch das Team, das für alle Sicherheits-, Risiko- und Compliance-Bestimmungen verantwortlich ist. Er gewährleistet die Einhaltung interner Standards und gesetzlicher Vorgaben bei allen Unternehmensabläufen, und unter seiner Führung erhielt Rimini Street die ISO 9001-Zertifikation mit dem Ausblick auf die 27001-Zertifikation. Das macht Rimini Street zum einzigen ISO-zertifizierten Anbieter von Drittanbieter-Support für Unternehmenssoftware.
Bereits seit 14 Jahren hat Herr Salaets in den Bereichen Informationssicherheit, IT-Systeme und Business Management Erfahrungen sammeln können. Vor seinem Wechsel zu Rimini Street spielte er als Manager für Informationssicherheit bei Moody’s KMV eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Definition und beim Management der gesamtstrategischen und taktischen Technologie-Roadmap des Unternehmens. Unter seiner Verantwortung konnten sicher gehostete Lösungen zur Bonitätsprüfung für Hunderte von Unternehmenskunden bereitgestellt werden. Es wurde sichergestellt, dass Moody’s die Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance aufrechterhält.
Herr Salaets bekleidete in der Vergangenheit verschiedene Führungspositionen bei Wind River, wo er globale Standardisierungs- und Integrationsprojekte leitete, internationale Teams im europäischen und asiatischen Raum managte und Lösungen entwickelte für die Unternehmensarchitektur. Schließlich wurden unter seiner Führung unternehmensweit globale Sicherheitsvorschriften, -standards und -programme eingeführt, die einen Maßstab für alle Mitarbeiter bei Wind River setzten.
Mr. Salaets erhielt seinen Bachelor of Science in Informatik von Groep-T, Leuven, Belgien.

Robert Lachs
Robert Lachs
VP, Sales, NA – Region Nordwest & Zentral
Greg Leiner
Greg Leiner
VP, SAP Services Solution Architects
Gala Lyne
Gala Lyne
VP, Sales, NA – Region Süd/Zentral
Luiz Mariotto
Luiz Mariotto
VP Customer Engagement and Service Delivery, Lateinamerika
David Miller
David Miller
GVP, Global Client Onboarding
Lisa Miller
Lisa Miller
VP, Global HR Business Partners

Ms. Miller serves as VP, Global HR Business Partners. In this role, she works with business leaders and the HR leadership team to create strategies and deliver execution plans that advance our people strategy and company culture while also complying with our employment practices.

Ms. Miller is a skilled executive leader with more than 25 years of human resources experience in scaling organizations, leading through change, and building global HR processes to support talent priorities.

Prior to joining Rimini Street, Ms. Miller was a senior consultant and worked to build the HR function at Socure, a high-tech identity verification organization, during a period of ultra-high growth.

Previously, Ms. Miller was the senior vice president of human resources at Kurita America, where she was the subsidiary head of HR and led HR diligence and integration efforts as part of the company’s merger and acquisition team. Prior to this role, she was the vice president and head of human resources at JAMF Software, a pre-IPO high-tech firm providing enterprise Apple management solutions.

Earlier in her career, Ms. Miller worked for Carlson Wagonlit Travel and Microsoft in organizational development and HR leadership roles.

Ms. Miller holds a Bachelor of Science degree in business management from Saint Cloud State University and a Master of Business Administration degree from the DePaul University Kellstadt Graduate School of Business.

Tyler Munger
Tyler Munger
VP, Analytics - Global Operations

Mr. Munger serves as VP, Analytics – Global Operations. In this role, he is responsible for leading the data management, business intelligence, and data science functions that support global operations at Rimini Street.

Mr. Munger is a skilled executive leader with more than 10 years of experience in building and leading analytics teams and expertise in the application of machine learning and natural language processing to complex technical domains.

Prior to joining Rimini Street, Mr. Munger served as a senior data scientist at REX, where he focused on improving the effectiveness of sales operations through analytics. Previously, he was the principal data scientist at a consulting practice, working on projects for clients who ranged from the Fortune 50 to seed-stage start-ups.

Mr. Munger’s research has been published in leading industry journals including the ASME and IEEE. He is also an adjunct lecturer at UC Santa Cruz where he teaches courses in data mining and machine learning.

Mr. Munger holds a PhD degree in technology and information management from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Satish Narasimhan
Satish Narasimhan
Vice President Finanzen - Finanzplanung & Analyse
Richard Noble
Richard Noble
GVP, Information Technology
Tomonori Oku
Tomonori Oku
VP, SAP Service Delivery, Japan
Simon Painter
Simon Painter
VP & Controller

Mr. Painter serves as VP & Controller. In this role, he is responsible for financial reporting processes, including oversight of internal controls and financial filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Mr. Painter is a skilled executive leader with 32 years of experience in accounting, audit, and finance.

Immediately prior to his current role, Mr. Painter served as Senior Director, Financial Reports and was primarily responsible for completing and filing Rimini Street’s 10Ks and 10-Qs.

Prior to joining Rimini Street, Mr. Painter was director of financial reporting for ManpowerGroup Inc. from 2008 to 2018, working on SEC filings, acquisitions, and valuations. From 2000 to 2008, he was the corporate controller and chief accounting officer for Plexus Corp, where led the effort to implement the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX). Prior to joining Plexus Corp., Mr. Painter was an auditor at PricewaterhouseCoopers for eight-plus years, last serving as an audit manager.

Mr. Painter holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree and a Master of Accountancy degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Frank Pecora
Frank Pecora
GVP, Sales – Renewal
Simon Philp
Simon Philp
VP & Assistant General Counsel, APAC

Mr. Philp serves as VP & Assistant General Counsel, APAC. In this role, he is responsible for client, partner, and vendor contracting and other legal matters; projects and initiatives for APAC; and leading a team located across the region.

Mr. Philp is an experienced executive leader with more than 28 years of legal, business, and people management experience.

Immediately prior to his current role, Mr. Philp served as director and managing counsel for Oceania, Southeast Asia, and Greater China.

Prior to joining Rimini Street, Mr. Philp was the global lead counsel of Dell Technologies’ Internet of Things Division and Global Original Equipment Manufacturing Division in Austin, Texas. Prior to this role, Mr. Philp led a team of attorneys responsible for all of Dell Technologies’ sales activities in the central U.S. region, including Texas and Florida. Before that, Mr. Philp was head of legal for Dell Technologies’ Australian and New Zealand operations and held a variety of Asia Pacific Japan lead counsel roles.

Earlier in his career, Mr. Philp was a senior associate and head of the USA Technology practice of Minter Ellison Lawyers in Sydney, Australia, and San Francisco. Mr. Philp was also a clerk to His Honour Deputy Chairman and Senior Judge Gilbert Trafford-Walker of the District Court of Queensland, Australia.

Mr. Philp holds a Bachelor of Laws degree and a Bachelor of Arts degree from James Cook University in Queensland and a Certificate II in Public Safety (New South Wales State Emergency Service).

Tim Piechowski
Tim Piechowski
VP, Sales, NA – Region Zentral
Dean Pohl
Dean Pohl
VP, Investor Relations
Janet Ravin
Janet Ravin
VP, Marketing Brand, Content, and Communications

Ms. Ravin serves as VP, Marketing Brand, Content, and Communications, as well as committee chair of the Rimini Street Foundation. In these roles, she is responsible for amplifying Rimini Street’s extraordinary story through expert strategy, execution, and management of all brand expression, communications, and global events. This mission includes brand experience, content and creative services, public and analyst relations, client storytelling, web strategy and the engagement of employees through the creation of culture-rich programs.

Ms. Ravin is the founder of the Rimini Street Foundation, the charitable program privately funded by Rimini Street, Inc. and its global subsidiaries. Since its inception, Ms. Ravin has nurtured its award-winning philanthropic programs with the support of the Global Steering Committee — overseeing the financial donations, in-kind contributions, and employee volunteer programs that have empowered more than 525 charities across six continents to date.

In her current role, Ms. Ravin continues her work as the former VP, Global Communications, Culture, and Experience, helping shape the Rimini Family core values around Rimini Street’s “4C’s” — Company, Clients, Colleagues, and Community. She is credited with the launch of ERG programs including TEAM PINK, the company’s breast cancer survivor and support group; TEAM GRIT, the company’s veterans support group; and multiple programs and events focused on wellness, learning, and togetherness. Her team’s efforts, coupled with the passionate support of Rimini Street colleagues, have been recognized with multiple, global workplace awards.

Ms. Ravin holds a professional certification in Human Resources (PHR) from HRCI and is a graduate of the civil engineering technology program at Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology in Toronto, Canada. A member of the Rotary Club of Las Vegas, she also serves as a board member of the American Red Cross Southern Nevada Chapter.

Douglas Reed
Douglas Reed
VP, Global HR Operations & Program Delivery

Mr. Reed serves as VP, Global HR Operations and Program Service Delivery. In this role he is responsible for all HR Operations systems, tools, automation processes, and programs including Workday, HR metrics, and analytics focused on reporting, workforce insights, and deep analytics to aid data-driven decision-making across Rimini Street.

Mr. Reed is a skilled executive leader with over 25 years of human resources leadership. He has extensive experience in HR operations, delivering technology solutions, service excellence, process execution, and data analytics to the organization to drive employee satisfaction and overall business results.

Prior to joining Rimini Street, Mr. Reed was Vice President, HR Process and Systems at Waste Management, leading and overseeing all HR operations functions including the People Support Center, People Technology, Workforce Planning and People Analytics, Payroll, Knowledge Management, and the People Organization’s Transformation Management Office.

Previously, Mr. Reed spent 10 years at CBRE, Inc. in several different roles including Senior Vice President of Global HR Operations, supporting over 100,000 employees in 70+ countries. While at CBRE, he played a key leadership role in establishing a global HR shared services platform that included the enterprise-wide deployment of an HCM application, an HR analytics and reporting team, and standardized practices/processes for other shared service offerings.

Prior to CBRE, Mr. Reed served in a variety of roles at Fidelity Investments, providing benefit outsourcing solutions and 401k plan consultation to clients in the small, mid, and large capitalized markets.

Mr. Reed holds a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration and a Master of Science degree in industrial and labor relations from West Virginia University. He is a member of the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) and is a Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP).

John „Jack“ Reilly
John „Jack“ Reilly
GVP und Deputy General Counsel, Litigation
Darren Remblence
Darren Remblence
VP, Global Security
Frank Reneke
Frank Reneke
GVP & GM, Oracle Services
Beth Schnitger
Beth Schnitger
VP, Global Proposal Management

Ms. Schnitger serves as VP, Global Proposal Management. In this role, she is responsible for leading the Global Proposal Management team, informing quality management and operations systems, and advancing sales engagements by overseeing delivery of compelling, high-quality proposals.

Ms. Schnitger is a skilled executive leader with more than 25 years of experience in the technology industry, including a 12-year tenure at Rimini Street, where she has held positions in sales, pre-sales, support, training, and financial management.

Immediately prior to her current role, Ms. Schnitger served as Vice President, Global Client Onboarding – Systems and Operations.

Prior to joining Rimini Street, Ms. Schnitger served in an executive capacity at Fortune 100 companies — Exxon, MCI, Thomson, First Data, Silicon Graphics — as well as in the mid-market space at Oracle, Cognos/IBM, and MicroStrategy.

Ms. Schnitger holds a Bachelor of Science degree in accounting and a Master of Business Administration in finance from Penn State University.

Andrew Seow
Andrew Seow
GVP & Regional GM, Südostasien und Großraum China
Heather Sepolen
Heather Sepolen
VP, Chief of Staff, Office of the EVP of Global Service Delivery
Michael Spencer
Michael Spencer
GVP, Chief Counsel, Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer
Judy Stubbington
Judy Stubbington
Vice President, Finance
Marc Sutherst
Marc Sutherst
VP & Assistant General Counsel, EMEA

Mr. Sutherst serves as Vice President and Assistant General Counsel, EMEA. In this role, he is responsible for client, partner, and vendor contracting and other legal matters; projects and initiatives for EMEA; and leading a team located across the region.

Mr. Sutherst is an experienced executive leader with more than 20 years of legal, business, and people management experience.

Immediately prior to his current role, Mr. Sutherst served as director and managing counsel for Rimini Street, EMEA.

Prior to joining Rimini Street, Mr. Sutherst was the head of technology, intellectual property, and social media, EMEA for BNY Mellon. Previously, he was the lead EMEA technology lawyer for various service providers in London including Mitsubishi UFJ and J.P. Morgan Cazenove. Earlier in his career, Mr. Sutherst was in general practice in London specializing in commercial and corporate law.

Mr. Sutherst holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from Warwick University, United Kingdom, and a Postgraduate Diploma in legal practice from the London College of Law, United Kingdom. He qualified as a lawyer from the Law Society of England and Wales.

Prashant Tenkale
Prashant Tenkale
VP, Enterprise Applications
Andrew Terry
Andrew Terry
GVP und Deputy General Counsel, Unternehmensrecht und Corporate Secretary
Greg Valentine
Greg Valentine
VP, Global Risk Management & Internal Audit

Mr. Valentine serves as VP, Global Risk Management, & Internal Audit. In this role, Mr. Valentine is responsible for leading corporate risk management and internal audit functions.

Mr. Valentine is a skilled executive leader with 25 years of experience in managing and establishing corporate risk management functions for major public corporations. Since joining Rimini Street in 2015, he has amassed more than US$84 million in claim recoveries and budget savings.

Prior to joining Rimini Street, Mr. Valentine established the corporate risk management and safety function at 24 Hour Fitness Worldwide and Mervyn’s department stores.  Previously, he led global risk management at Applied Materials and managed global business continuity. During his career, Mr. Valentine has saved his employers more than US$140 million in total costs and insurance recoveries.

Earlier in his career, Mr. Valentine was a research chemist with Exxon Chemical Technology, a systems analyst for the Texas Department of Public Safety, and a project manager for SunGard Planning.

Mr. Valentine graduated magna cum laude from California State University with a Master of Business Administration degree. He graduated cum laude from the University of Houston with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Management Information Systems. He did additional undergraduate studies in Chemistry at the University of Michigan. Mr. Valentine is an active member of the Risk and Insurance Management Society, Golden Gate Chapter (San Francisco) where he served two terms as President and Development Chair, respectively.

Yorio Wakisaka
Yorio Wakisaka
Regional GM, Japan
Renee Wells
Renee Wells
VP, Product Strategy
Desmond Whitt
Desmond Whitt
VP, Advanced Technology Services
Kevin Wion
Kevin Wion
VP, Global Revenue Operations

Mr. Wion serves as VP, Global Revenue Operations. In this role, he is responsible for leading a highly skilled team of regional operations leaders supporting growth initiatives across all geographies.

Mr. Wion is a skilled executive leader with more than 30 years of experience in enterprise software and services and expertise in facilitating profitable growth and scalability across fast-moving software and software services companies.

Prior to joining Rimini Street, Mr. Wion held several roles at Precise Software Solutions that included leading sales operations then assuming responsibility for administrative services (HR, legal, facilities, business operations)

Previously, Mr. Wion was a partner at Catalyst Venture Management, a Rocky Mountain venture capital firm, serving in interim C’-level roles across a portfolio of software companies, while also driving successful M&A activities.

Earlier in his career, Mr. Wion was with Oracle, where he held various finance and operations roles.

Mr. Wion holds a Bachelor of Science degree in chemical engineering from Stanford University and a Master of Business Administration degree from University of California, Berkeley.

Rachel Woodson
Rachel Woodson
VP, Special Projects, Büro des CEO
Heather Young
Heather Young
GVP, Sales Development & Inside Sales