Tighter budgets and the desire to preserve core educational programs prompt IT and procurement managers to reduce IT spend. Facing a 15 percent budget reduction, decision makers at the Rochester City School District saw PeopleSoft maintenance costs and an impending -and potentially disruptive upgrade – as candidates for cost cuts. If the district went with third-party support, a provider would need to be able to support extensively customized PeopleSoft software and keep it running for the foreseeable future.
Rimini Street Solution
Public sector organizations often start with a vanilla install of an ERP system and customize it to meet emerging needs. In the case of Rochester City School District, Rimini Street support has added years of service to a system the vendor deemed end of life. By redirecting the savings realized by switching to third-party support, the district was able to maintain staff levels and avoid an expensive and time-consuming upgrade.
Client Results
- Saved more than $500,000 in annual maintenance costs – projecting a 10-year ROI of 70.6 percent – for cumulative maintenance savings of $8.9 million.
- Minimized budget cuts through savings from third-party support, enabling the district to retain staff and keep educational programs thriving.
- Avoided a series of expensive upgrades with Rimini Street’s support for customizations and its ability to resolve conflicts caused by inevitable changes in the technology stack.