Unified Support Services for Enterprise Software
Rimini Street, Inc. (RMNI) is the leader in third-party enterprise software support and strategic services to organizations around the world.
Take Control of Your SAP Relationship & Roadmap
SAP software is mission-critical and can be complex. The same can be said for SAP licensing which makes compliance difficult. Yet, being out of compliance can be an invitation for an audit which are an easy way for SAP to generate revenue at your expense and cause unwanted lock-ins.
During this webinar you’ll learn smart ways to manage your SAP relationship, plus how to free your budget and liberate funds for innovation including digital transformation.
Join this essential session as our experts explain how to respond to:
SAP license negotiation strategies
SAP audit triggers and tactics including Indirect Access
Licensing questions when moving to third-party support
Doug Gibson, Managing Partner at Invictus Partners along with James Ratcliffe, Service Solution Architect – SAP at Rimini Street will share guidance on SAP licensing as well as strategies to reduce your SAP support costs, free up resources and focus on your business initiatives.
Critical Tips for Planning the Certification and Exit of your Oracle ULA
Trying to exit or considering the renewal of your Oracle Unlimited License Agreement (ULA)?
With proper planning and advice, you can help control the certification process, not Oracle.
However, if you leave anything to chance, you can inadvertently impact your long-term IT strategy, including the ability to move around based on your budget, resources and roadmap.
Tune into this 45-minute webinar and learn about important actions to free your budget from a ULA and liberate funds for innovation.
How renewing a ULA can be costly and detrimental to your IT strategy
When to plan your exit strategy to avoid lock-in and free up budget
How to help take control of the certification process
Join Anna-Rita Stanley-Best, Managing Director – APAC of Palisade Compliance along with Jeremy Sayler of Rimini Street to get guidance on ULA certification plus reduce your support costs, free up resources and focus on your new IT initiatives.
5 Ways to Avoid a Surprise Audit: SAP Indirect Access
With SAP’s early success in two widely-publicized lawsuits involving Indirect Access, many SAP customers have been left feeling anxious as to how they would fare should they face an audit now that the legal precedent for non-compliance has been set. Reassurances from SAP CEO Bill McDermott at last year’s Sapphire Now conference did little to assuage those fears.
SAP’s license model is complex, especially when it comes to allowing homegrown, web or third-party applications that access or manipulate SAP data…or users who get access to SAP data through other applications. Unfortunately, many CIOs think they are properly licensed and in compliance with their SAP software maintenance agreements…until they get the audit notifications.
The speakers cover:
Why Diageo lost the case and how the court ruling was decided
How audits can be used to drive innovation and road map clarity (and why you should not be afraid of them)
Who you should engage during the audit process so you make the right decisions every step of the way
Dan Ashton, Sr. Director of Product Marketing at Rimini Street hosts this 30-minute discussion with Sebastian Schoofs, Executive Director at VOQUZ and Jeremy Sayler, Director of License Advisory Services at Rimini Street.
This is the fastest way for you to learn the 5 ways to avoid surprises with SAP’s Indirect Access and control your destiny.
5 Ways To Come Out Ahead On A Software Audit
Software audits are increasingly being used to gain leverage by ERP mega-vendors frequently to keep you on a vendor-dictated roadmap. And most find the question is not “if” you will be audited, but “when?”
While most IT and Asset Management teams understand the motivation for an audit, many don’t realize audits can be leveraged to flip the narrative with their vendors. In this webinar Jeremy Sayler, Director of License Advisory Services at Rimini Street provides a checklist of the ways you can be better prepared for an audit, and more importantly, how you can gain control of your IT roadmap and vendor relationships every step of the way. Hosted by Dan Ashton, Senior Product Marketing Director at Rimini Street, this discussion will be eye-opening, particularly to Oracle and SAP licensees who are facing support renewals in the next 6-18 months.
5 Vendor Lock-in Obstacles And Strategies To Avoid
Whether you run SAP or Oracle applications, you may have come to the same conclusion that thousands of other IT teams have: software vendor policies and support models which we refer to as “vendor-dictated roadmaps” are primarily designed to benefit the software vendors … NOT their customers.
A big challenge that can stop IT innovation dead in its tracks is vendor lock-in.
In this 30-minute webinar, Jason Kotsaftis, Senior Product Marketing Director and Jeremy Sayler, Director of License Advisory Services, share five ways to help you break free from vendor lock-in! You will learn how other IT teams have taken back control of their Oracle and SAP relationships in order to regain flexibility and invest in their IT roadmap.
Rimini Street Services Datasheet License Advisory Services
Mitigate compliance risk associated with vendor licensing